
General Information

Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean- Jamaica (BBCC-J) offers four (4) educational programmes: two (2) Bachelor of Theology programmes, a Diploma in Theology, and a Certificate in Christian Ministry. The four (4) programmes are designed to meet the College’s commitment to its mission, vision, and objectives.  Each programme has stated outcomes, which are directly related to the institutional statement of purpose. The bachelor and diploma programmes are accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ). The structure of the accredited programmes is compatible with the UCJ’s requirements for intuitions that offer tertiary-level studies. Bethel’s bachelor, diploma, and certificate programmes have proven effective in ministerial preparation in accordance with the tradition of theological education.

All of Bethel’s educational programmes flow directly from and seek to bring into sharp focus the College’s vision and mission as outlined in its strategic plan. Indeed, as Bethel continues to provide training in theology and Christian ministry and to produce spiritually equipped, socially aware, morally sound, and servant-oriented individuals, the College has offered programmes that reflect these emphases.  There is no academic offering at Bethel that is not directly connected to its ethos and identity.

The Bachelor of Theology (no minor), the Bachelor of Theology (Minor in Guidance and Counselling), the Diploma in Theology, and the Certificate in Christian Ministry meet the mission of the College and maintain its integrity as a place of training for pastors and other Christian workers.  This is reflected in the fact that the degree programme includes courses in Bible, Theology, Missions, Christian Education, Church History, the two major Biblical languages, the Social Sciences, Pastoral Ministry, and Leadership.  The diploma and certificate programmes also include courses in the above-identified areas, but with special emphasis on practical ministry.  Bethel’s programmes are designed to equip students for specialized vocations, such as Christian education, youth ministry, leadership, guidance and counselling, and lay ministry.

The Bachelor of Theology Programmes

The Bachelor of Theology programmes are the highest academic degrees awarded by BBCC-J. They are structured so that, in four (4) years of full-time study or five years of part-time study, students receive a balanced exposure to theological studies and related disciplines. The Bachelor of Theology (no minor) and the Bachelor of Theology (Minor in Guidance and Counselling) also provide flexibility in preparation for personal ministry calling and needs. The Academic Dean or an academic advisor assists each student in selecting courses that are on the course or programme schedule as well as the courses that are most appropriate to the individual’s interests and goals in ministry from the seven (7) areas of study as follows: Biblical Studies, Theological and Historical Studies, Pastoral Studies, Psychological and Counselling Studies, Philosophical and Communication Studies, and Christian Education Studies, and Leadership Studies. The outcomes for the Bachelor of Theology degrees are outlined below.

Programme Outcomes: Bachelor of Theology (No Minor)

By the end of the Bachelor of Theology no Minor programme, a learner will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts in Biblical Studies with particular emphasis on hermeneutics and exegesis. (Related courses: BH11140, OT1110, NT1120, HB2150, HB2151, GK3130, GK3131, GK4132, GK4133, OT31156, NT3126)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of how Pentecostal theology informs the Christian vocation and ministry in the world. (Related courses: PS1310, SS2670, TS4235, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Exhibit understanding of the Christian vocation in the world, especially pastoral ministry and its rationale and goals. (Related courses: PS1310, HS2252, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511, SS1692, SS1693, MS1619)

Cognitive Outcomes

  1. Evaluate a range of critical scholarship associated with the disciplines of biblical studies and theology, especially where they intersect and where they interact with other disciplines, such as hermeneutics, the humanities, and the social and behavioural sciences. (Related courses: BH1140, PY1410, CE1550, CE2554, PS3313, PH3510, PH3511, SS2650, PY3412)
  2. Clarify the relationship between faith and reason and the role of philosophy in the study of theology. (Related courses: PH3510, PH3511, HS2252, TS4235)
  3. Integrate the basic teachings of Pentecostal and Evangelical theology, including ethics, systematic theology, contemporary theology, and Church history relative to contemporary challenges. (Related courses: PS1310, TS2213, TS2214, HS2252, TS4235, PH4512)
  4. Assess theological and biblical contributions to debates in the public sphere about values, society, politics, sexuality, and ethics. (Related courses: CM1511, PS1310, TS4235, PH4512, SS3580, c)
  5. Apply suitable academic methods of study to review, consolidate and extend theological and biblical knowledge and understanding. (Related courses: CM1511, PS1310, TS4235, PH4512, SS3580, c)
  6. Display independence in thought, and critical self-awareness about one's own beliefs, preconceptions, commitments, and prejudices. (Related courses: PS1310, SS1692, SS1693, TS2213, TS2214, HS2270, PH3510)

Practical and Professional Outcomes

  1. Authenticate the development of skills in complementary methods of study such as, but not limited to, philosophical, historical, systematic, phenomenological, empirical, and social scientific. (Related courses: CM1511, TS2213, TS2214, PH3510, SS3580, SS3652, SS4653, SS4654)
  2. Demonstrate facility in independent study, research, and writing. (Related courses, such as: CM1511, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  3. Engage in course discussions and deliberations, whether face-to-face or online, that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Bible and the Evangelical Church and how they inform the Christian vocation in the world. (Related courses: CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  4. Offer leadership in pastoral and other forms of Christian ministry through guided practical, hand-on experiences. (Related courses: PS3313, PS3353, MS1619, MS3620, LS3711, PA4390, PA4391, SS2670, CO3559)

Communication Outcomes

  1. Communicate in an appropriate academic context using precise and appropriate terms with full and accurate references, within a structured and coherent argument. (Related courses: CM1511, PH3510, SS3580, SS3652, SS4653, SS4654)
  2. Use appropriate analytical methods to formulate questions and solve problems, while discussing and debating issues of theological and academic concern in an academic environment. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Produce consistent standards in independent pieces of short and extended writing suitable for academic study. (Related courses: All courses, especially CM1510, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  4. Engage critically in academic projects and assignments which sustain and evaluate an argument, largely through independent enquiry, and which draw on a range of scholarly resources including research articles and primary sources. (Related courses: All courses, especially CM1510, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  5. Engage in effective interpersonal and public communication within the context of pastoral ministry. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1511, CM1570, PS1311, PS1292)

Programme Outcomes: Bachelor of Theology (Minor in Guidance and Counselling)

By the end of the Bachelor of Theology with a Minor in Guidance and Counselling programme, a learner will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the psychological theories that may account for career choice and development; models of career guidance interventions; and relevant codes of ethical practice that inform and underpin career guidance practice. (Related course/s: CO2458)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of how Pentecostal theology informs the Christian vocation and ministry in the world. (Related courses: PS1310, SS2670, TS4235, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Demonstrate understanding of key concepts in Biblical Studies with particular emphasis on hermeneutics and exegesis. (Related courses: BH11140, OT1110, NT1120, HB2150, HB2151, GK3130, GK3131, GK4132, GK4133, OT31156, NT3126)
  4. Exhibit understanding of the Christian vocation in the world, especially pastoral ministry and its rationale and goals. (Related courses: PS1310, HS2252, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511, SS1692, SS1693, MS1619)
  5. Demonstrate understanding of psychological development at every stage of life. (Related courses: PY1410, PY1411)

Cognitive Outcomes

  1. Evaluate a range of critical scholarship associated with the disciplines of biblical studies and theology, especially where they intersect and where they interact with other disciplines, such as hermeneutics, the humanities, and the social and behavioural sciences. (Related courses: BH1140, PY1410, CE1550, CE2554, PS3313, PH3510, PH3511, SS2650, PY3412)
  2. Clarify the relationship between faith and reason and the role of philosophy in the study of theology. (Related courses: PH3510, PH3511, HS2252, TS4235)
  3. Integrate the basic teachings of Pentecostal and Evangelical theology, including moral, systematic theology, contemporary theology, and Church history. (Related courses: PS1310, TS2213, TS2214, HS2252, TS4235, PH4512)
  4. Evaluate contemporary challenges with reference to Pentecostal and Evangelical theology as well as contemporary and classical psychological theories. (Related courses: PS1310, TS2213, TS2214, HS2252, TS4235, PH4512)
  5. Assess theological and biblical contributions to debates in the public sphere values, society, politics, sexuality, and ethics and apply suitable academic methods of study to review, consolidate and extend theological and biblical knowledge and understanding. (Related courses: CM1511, PS1310, TS4235, PH4512, SS3580)
  6. Apply suitable academic methods of study to review, consolidate and extend theological and biblical knowledge and understanding. (Related courses: CM1511, PS1310, TS4235, PH4512, SS3580, c)
  7. Display independence in thought, and critical self-awareness about one's own beliefs, preconceptions, commitments, and prejudices. (Related courses: PS1310, SS1692, SS1693, TS2213, TS2214, HS2270, PH3510)
  8. Evaluate social science research to develop your understanding of the school counselling field. (Related courses: CO1457, SS2461, CO3455, SS3580, SS3652, SS4453, SS4654)

Practical and Professional Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate development of skills in complementary methods of study such as, but not limited to, philosophical, historical, systematic, phenomenological, empirical, and social scientific. (Related courses: CM1511, TS2213, TS2214, PH3510, SS3580, SS3652, SS4653, SS4654)
  2. Demonstrate facility in independent study, research, and writing. (Related courses, such as: CM1511, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  3. Engage in course discussions and deliberations, whether face-to-face or online, that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Bible and the Evangelical Church and how they inform the Christian vocation in the world. (Related courses: CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  4. Offer leadership in pastoral and other forms of Christian ministry through guided practical, hand-on experiences. (Related courses: PS3313, PS3353, MS1619, MS3620, LS3711, PA4390, PA4391, SS2670, CO3559)
  5. Apply the theories of human behaviour to mental, emotional, and behavioural problems. (Related courses: PY1410, PY1411, PY3415, PY3412, CO1457)
  6. Design treatment based on their assessment of the problem with supervision or skilled practitioners. (Related courses: PY3415, CO1457, SS4655, SS2461, CO4490, CO4491)
  7. Use guidance and counselling strategies in working with children, young people and adults in church, education, or community settings. (Related courses: CO1457, CO3455, CO3460, SS2461, CO4490, CO4491)
  8. Engage with a range of learning experiences that include group work, case studies, problem-solving exercises, enquiry based and experiential learning, as well as the more traditional lecture-based approach. (Related courses: All courses, especially CO1457, CO3455, CO3459, CO3460, SS2461, CO4490, CO4491)
  9. Implement comprehensive guidance counselling programmes that are culturally sensitive while promoting the career, personal, social, and academic development of children and adolescents. (Related courses: CO1457, CO3455, CO3460, CO4464, CO2458, SS2461, CO4490, CO4491)

Communication Outcomes

  1. Communicate in an appropriate academic context using precise and appropriate terms with full and accurate references, within a structured and coherent argument. (Related courses: CM1511, PH3510, SS3580, SS3652, SS4653, SS4654)
  2. Use suitable analytical methods to formulate questions and solve problems, while discussing and debating issues of theological and academic concern in an academic environment. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Produce consistent standards in independent pieces of short and extended writing suitable for academic study. (Related courses: All courses, especially CM1510, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  4. Engage critically in academic projects and assignments which sustain and evaluate an argument, largely through independent enquiry, and which draw on a range of scholarly resources including research articles and primary sources. (Related courses: All courses, especially CM1510, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  5. Engage in effective interpersonal and public communication within the context of pastoral ministry and the Guidance and Counselling profession. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1511, CM1570, PS1311, PS1292)

Completion of the Bachelor of Theology Degrees

  1. Bachelor of Theology with No Minor

Students, who desire to acquire the Bachelor of Theology with no minor, are required to complete 49 courses amounting to 137 credits. 

  1. Bachelor of Theology with Minor in Guidance and Counselling

Students, who desire to complete the Bachelor of Theology with a Minor in Guidance and Counselling, are required to complete 50 courses amounting to 140 credit hours.


Diploma in Theology

The Diploma in Theology programme requires three (3) years of study and is structured within the Bachelor of Theology (no minor) programme.  It requires that students complete all prescribed courses in the general education core (30 credits), the area of specialization (53 credits), electives (9 credits) and internship (6 credits).  The programme is designed for those who want to be involved in various levels of Christian ministry in the local church.  Every course in this programme is included in the Bachelor of Theology degree programme. Even the Internship and Spiritual Formation Group experiences are open to these students.

The Main Goal of the Diploma in Theology

Bethel Bible College of the Caribbean- Jamaica conceptualized and developed the Diploma in Theology with the aim of offering solid foundational, theological, ministry-oriented educational experiences to persons who would not normally qualify to pursue a bachelor’s degree.  Although this programme is below the bachelor’s degree programmes in terms of quantity of credits, content, and time required, there is no difference in terms of the quality and level of work that is required.  This is evidenced by the fact that the diploma is built into the Bachelor of Theology (no minor) programme.  The diploma programme requires at least ninety (90) credits for completion.  It is designed to realize some significant outcomes.

Programme Outcomes: Diploma in Theology

By the end of the Diploma in Theolog programme, a learner will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of differing biblical, theological, sociological, and behavioural concepts and related cultural influences (Related courses: BH11140, OT1110, NT1120, OT31156, NT3126)
  2. Demonstrate understanding of how Pentecostal theology informs the Christian vocation and ministry in the world. (Related courses: PS1310, SS2670, TS4235, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Exhibit understanding of the impact of the Christian vocation in the world, especially pastoral ministry and its rationale and goals. (Related courses: PS1310, HS2252, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511, SS1692, SS1693, MS1619)

Cognitive Outcomes

  1. Interpret various theological and sociological concepts with a recognition of their complexity. (Related courses: BH11140, OT1110, NT1120, OT31156, NT3126)
  2. Demonstrate capacity to clarify the relationship between faith and reason and the role of philosophy in the study of theology. (Related courses: PH3510, PH3511, HS2252, TS4235)
  3. Integrate the basic teachings of Pentecostal and Evangelical theology, including moral, systematic theology, contemporary theology, and Church history. (Related courses: PS1310, TS2213, TS2214, HS2252, TS4235, PH4512)
  4. Evaluate contemporary challenges with reference to Pentecostal and Evangelical theology. (Related courses: PS1310, TS2213, TS2214, HS2252, TS4235, PH4512)

Practical and Professional Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate facility in independent study, research, and writing. (Related courses, such as: CM1511, SS3580, SS3652, SS453, SS4654)
  2. Exhibit an ability to engage in course discussions and deliberations, whether face-to-face or online, that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Bible and the Evangelical Church and how they inform the Christian vocation in the world. (Related courses: CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Show evidence of ability to offer leadership in Christian ministry through guided practical, hand-on experiences. (Related courses: PS3353, MS1619, MS3620, LS3711, PA4390, PA4391, SS2670, CO3559)

Communication Outcomes

  1. Communicate in an appropriate academic context using precise and appropriate terms with full and accurate references, within a structured and coherent argument. (Related courses: CM1511, PH3510)
  2. Use appropriate analytical methods to formulate questions and solve problems, while discussing and debating issues of theological and academic concern in an academic environment. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1570, SS2670, PS3313, PH3511)
  3. Engage critically in academic projects and assignments that sustain and evaluate an argument, through independent enquiry, and which draw on a range of scholarly resources including research articles and primary sources. (Related courses: All courses, especially CM1510,)
  4. Demonstrate facility to engage in effective interpersonal and public communication within the context of Christian vocation and ministry. (Related courses: CM1510, CM1511, CM1570, PS1311, PS1292)

Completion of the Diploma in Theology

Students, who desire to acquire the Diploma in Theology, are required to complete 35 courses amounting to 101 credits.   


Certificate in Christian Ministry

Bethel sees the need to offer quality training in Christian Ministry to lay leaders and other Christian workers to strengthen the ministry of the church.  Therefore, it has conceptualized and implemented a Certificate in Christian Ministry (CCM), which is a one-year, 36-credit-hour, three-semester programme. This certificate programme has replaced the Certificate in Theology that was offered for many years at the extension sites. 

The goal of the certificate programme is to offer the opportunity for theological studies and ministry-oriented training to persons who intend to work in their local church as Christian education directors or directors of other ministries. This is an excellent opportunity for church members and leaders to access a significantly revised and standardized certificate programme in Christian Ministry. The College believes that this programme is contextual, relevant, practical, and life changing.

The programme requires a Community Service Practicum (3 credits), that is, 30 hours of community service.  These 30 hours include a three-hour preparation seminar on The Christian and Community Transformation. The remaining 27 hours must be completed in contexts in which participants have direct contact with people.  This practical component of the programme must be completed within three months after the respective students have registered for it. Each student is responsible for ensuring his or her own placement and is furnished with the necessary support documents from Bethel.

Curriculum #1 – Level II Programme

The Level II CCM is a one-year 36-credit-hour programme.  This programme is divided into three semesters. Students are required to complete at least nine (9) credit hours each semester.

Each phase or semester of the programme runs for thirteen (13) weeks.  Twelve (12) courses must be completed. These include nine compulsory courses, the Community Service Practicum and two electives.

Curriculum #2 – Level I Programme

The Level I CCM is a one-year 18-credit-hour programme.  This programme is divided into three semesters. Students are required to complete at least six (6) credit hours each semester.

Each phase or semester of the programme runs for thirteen (13) weeks.  Six (6) courses must be completed. These include five compulsory courses and the Community Service Practicum.