Accommodation All full-time students are encouraged to make use of the accommodation provided by the College.
Fellowship Fellowship in dormitory life must include respect for one another’s privacy, as well as enjoying one another’s company. Student rooms are a place for privacy, and therefore fellowship should take place in other areas.
Quiet Time Quiet Time is observed in the student dorms from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Mondays to Fridays. Students are to refrain from making noise which may disturb others. Musical instruments, radios, etc., should be played at low volume.
Security The College must be able to account for the whereabouts of its students at all times. All students, therefore, are required to obtain permission, and then sign out, before leaving the College grounds. In the case of a need to be absent from the College overnight, the student must get special permission and state the location of residence and duration of stay.
Students must be aware that tampering with locks and the exchanging of keys are prohibited. The main entrance to the male and female dormitories will be locked at 11:00 p.m. Sundays to Thursdays and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
Students are not permitted to stay in the dorms during school holidays except with permission from the College administration.
House Keeping Bedrooms are to be kept neat and tidy. No attempt must be made to paste/nail anything on the walls such as pictures, plaques, etc. Rooms are subject to inspections at anytime.
The rooms will be inspected weekly by the Dorm Supervisor. Students whose rooms remain in an unsatisfactory condition after an inspection will be subjected to disciplinary measures.
Damage to College Property Under no circumstances should any student attempt to tamper with College fixtures or fittings. Students are responsible for any damage to College equipment and furnishings which are placed at their disposal during residency. In the case of an offender not being identified, the occupants of the room in question will be held jointly responsible for the damage and fines will be levied against their College account.
Male and Female Dormitory The male and female dorms are out of bounds to students of the opposite sex.